Before & After School Program
Museum School's I’M SAFE child care program is free to all participants
Vision Statement
The I’M SAFE Program will strive to ensure that all students are academically, socially, culturally, and physically healthy. Museum School's staff, students, and their families will work together to ensure that our program serves to promote entire student development and lifelong learning.
I’M SAFE = Integrated Museum School Academics Fun & Enrichment
This program is made possible through the ASES Grant from the State of California and is free to all participants
The I’M SAFE program is designed to give students the opportunities to be successful in both school and life
I’M SAFE Program Activities
Homework Assistance
The I’M SAFE program provides an academic enrichment component on a daily basis.
Students may receive daily homework assistance and/or academic enrichment and participate in special events and curriculum throughout the school year.
Youth leaders assist students with their homework but cannot provide one on one assistance with each student.
Family members are encouraged to check their child’s homework for completeness
and accuracy.
Daily Enrichment Activities
Sports & Games
Board Games
Enrollment in our I'M SAFE Program
The I’M SAFE program is free to all participants. The ASES Grant is designed to serve students with the greatest needs. We hope to be able to serve all students who apply, but enrollment will be based on the following criteria:
Previously enrolled in the Primetime program for the 2022-2023 school year
Date of application/interest form submission
Number of days student(s) will attend the program
Length of time student will attend the program
Students not accepted for participation will be placed on the waitlist and will be accepted as space becomes available.
Families must re-apply each school year as current enrollment does not guarantee enrollment in future school years.
TO APPLY FOR THE I’M SAFE Program, please click on the button below:
-Attendance Rules-
General Attendance Rules
ASES Grant requires attendance policies and procedures.
Students must attend for the full duration of the program on a daily basis.
Enrolled students who do not attend daily or for at least half the program time may be dis-enrolled.
Families may be enrolled for AM, PM, or AM and PM programs.
AM Program Attendance Rules
Priority will be given for participants for students who attend every morning from opening time of 7:00 AM until school begins.
Students must arrive within the first half of program operation and be signed in by an adult.
Students arriving after the program start time of 7:00 AM must have a late arrival form on file.
PM Program Attendance Rules
Priority will be given for PM participants who attend from school dismissal until closing time at 6:15 PM.
Parents/guardians and authorized adults may begin signing their children out at 5:30 PM for a 6:00 PM pickup.
Any pickup prior to 5:30 PM is considered an early pickup.
If pickup is needed before 5:30 PM, an early release form must be filled out and placed on file prior to the pickup.
Even with an early release, all students must stay for a minimum of half of the afternoon operating hours (4:30 pm on MTW & F, and 3:15 pm on Thursdays) to count for attendance.
It is the family’s responsibility to notify the site supervisor if their student will be absent from the program.
Students with multiple unexcused absences throughout the school year are subject to dis-enrollment.
All adults signing students out must be prepared to show a valid photo ID.
Only the enrolling parent/guardian can make changes to the emergency contact/authorized pickup list.